Grad je romantičan, noć je topla … dvije prijateljice iz Amerike došle su na ljetovanje u Španjolsku. Postdiplomantica Vicky – već zaručena – nada se provesti neka istraživanja za svoju disertaciju. Slobodoumna Cristina ogledava se za svakom mogućom avanturom. Avantura se i pojavljuje u liku zavodljivog slikara Juana Antonija, koji se ovim mladim ženama predstavlja u jednom restoranu u Barceloni.
Barcelona. Španjolska.Raskošna arhitektura.Romantični krajolik.Zapušteni umjetnik.Ispijanje vina i upijanje umjetnosti. Boemski stil života, bezbrižan i iracionalan.
Inspirativne su i same glumice..Christina ( Scarlett Johansson) jednostavno je seksi. Jednostavna, putena i senzualna, nadasve ženstvena i u širokim lanenim hlačama i običnoj pamučnoj majci. Ispija vino, u šarmantnom hotelu, na prelijepom krevetu sa nepopravljivim europskim zavodnikom. Mmm.
Ženstvena Maria Elena ( Penelope Cruz ) utjelovljuje problematičnu dušu , razbarušene kose koja i tom svom ludilu izgleda seksi i nadmoćno.
Jednostavnost, ljepota, zrak, ljeto. Nekonvencionalno i boemski.
Neobičan film, još jedno umjetničko djelo Woodya Alenna navest će vas da poželite na put.U Barcelonu:)
Directed by Woody Allen, Vicky Cristina Barcelona tells the story of two friends holidaying in Barcelona who become involved in a complicated relationship with a local painter.
"Vicky and Cristina decided to spend the summer in Barcelona. Vicky was
completing her master's in Catalan Identity, which she had become
interested in through her great affection for the architecture of Gaudí.
Cristina, who spent the last six months writing, directing, and acting
in a 12-minute film which she then hated, had just broken up with yet
another boyfriend and longed for a change of scenery. Everything fell
into place when a distant relative of Vicky's family who lived in
Barcelona offered to put both girls up for July and August. The two best
friends had been close since college and shared the same tastes and
opinions on most matters, yet when it came to the subject of love, it
would be hard to find two more dissimilar viewpoints. Vicky had no
tolerance for pain and no lust for combat. She was grounded and
realistic. Her requirements in a man were seriousness and stability. She
had become engaged to Doug because he was decent and successful and
understood the beauty of commitment."
"Cristina, on the other hand, expected something very different out of love. She had reluctantly accepted suffering as an inevitable component of deep passion, and was resigned to putting her feelings at risk. If you asked her what it was she was gambling her emotions on to win, she would not have been able to say. She knew what she didn't want, however, and that was exactly what Vicky valued above all else."
I'll go to your room, but you'll have to seduce me.
Juan Antonio:" American?
Cristina : I'm Cristina, and this is my friend Vicky.
Juan Antonio : What color are your eyes?
Cristina : Uh, they're blue.
Juan Antonio : Well, I'd like to invite you both to come with me to Oviedo.
Vicky : To come where?
Juan Antonio : To Oviedo. For the weekend. We leave in one hour.
Cristina : What- Where is Oviedo?
Juan Antonio : A very short flight.
Vicky : By plane?
Juan Antonio : Mmm-hmm.
Cristina : What's in Oviedo?
Juan Antonio : I go to see a sculpture, that is very inspiring to me. A very beautiful sculpture. You will love it.
Vicky : Oh, right. you're asking us to fly to Oviedo and back.
Juan Antonio : Mmmm. No, we'll spend the weekend. I mean, I'll show you around the city, and we'll eat well. We'll drink good wine. We'll make love.
Vicky : Yeah, who exactly is going to make love?
Juan Antonio : Hopefully, the three of us. "

Juan Antonio: "Well, now that the day's almost over, is it reasonable of me to ask you if you'll both join me in my room?
Vicky : Oh, come on, I thought we'd settled that.
Cristina : Vicky's just trying to say that she's engaged to be married, that's all.
Juan Antonio : Great. Then these are her last days of freedom.
Vicky : No. Look, I'm not free. I'm committed. You know what my theory is? And when I drink, I get brutally frank. I think that you're still hurting from the failure of your marriage to Maria Elena, and you're trying to lose yourself in empty sex.
Juan Antonio : Empty sex? Do you have such a low opinion of yourself"
Juan Antonio:" Why not? Life is short. Life is dull. Life is full of pain. And this is a chance for something special."

Juan Antonio: "We are meant for each other and not meant for each other. It's a contradiction."

Maria Elena: You'll always seek to duplicate what we had. You know it."

Juan Antonio: "We were both sure that... our relation was perfect, but there was something missing. You know? Like, love requires such a perfect balance. It's... like the human body. It may turn that you have all the vitamins and minerals, but if... there is minus a single, tiny ingredient... missing, like, like, like, like, ooh, like salt, for example... one dies.
Cristina : Salt?"

"Vicky returned home to have her grand wedding to Doug. To the house they finally planned to settle in. And to lead the life she envisioned for herself, before that summer in Barcelona. Cristina continued searching... certain only, of what she didn't want."
xoxo, S&I
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