Saturday, December 21, 2013

Celebrity Couple: Justin Timberlake & Jessica Biel*

"There's nothing wrong with shooting for the stars."

"It does help to have a partner who understands what fame is about and can share that with you. It's a hurdle you don't have to get over."

"I’m sure there’s some self-help cheese-ball book about the gray area, but I’ve been having this conversation with my friends who are all about the same age and I’m saying, ‘Y’know, life doesn’t happen in black and white.’ The gray area is where you become an adult … the medium temperature, the gray area, the place between black and white. That’s the place where life happens."

"I love somebody who can make me laugh and be a goofball. I think it's incredibly sexy if a guy can look uncool and completely not care."

"I love being someone I'm not for a period of time. I love every minute of being in someone else's skin."

"Every relationship I've been in, I've overwhelmed the girl. They just can't handle all the love."

"I've been involved with sports my whole life, which made clothes and makeup and handbags not that important as a kid. I just didn't care. 
Hiking for seven hours a day and sleeping in tents and being out in the wilderness was a real experience everyone should try."

"The weirdest and kind of most wonderful thing [about being married] is that word. That's my husband."  

"Every once in a while, I can catch a glimpse of her when she doesn't see me looking. I have this moment where I'm like, 'If you never make a good decision – if you only make bad decisions – for the rest of your life, you made one really good decision. Because she’s just like…it’s nice marry your friend. It’s nice to marry your best friend. It suits me."

"Even if your life is at its worst you must SMILE! You never know when you're going to meet the one who takes your breath away!"

xoxo, S&I

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